We believe the Bible is the Word of God and thus our ultimate authority.
Article 2: Of the true god
We believe in the One God of the Bible Father, Son, and Spirit.
Article 3: of the fall of man
We believe in the actual and historical fall of Adam in the garden, bringing the curse of sin on every man, woman, boy, and girl.
Article 4: of the way of salvation
We believe in the way of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone!
Article 5: of justification
We believe that through faith we are once for all declared righteous by God.
Article 6: of the freeness of salvation
We believe like the old hymn Jesus Paid it All!
Article 7: of grace in regeneration
We believe we are born again by God's Holy Spirit unto obedience and works of love.
Article 8: of repentance and faith
We believe repentance and faith are both gifts and our duty, but always found together, never apart.
Article 9: of god's purpose of grace
We believe God's eternal choice to save sinners is the enabling cause of our salvation, and the basis of our ministry.
Article 10: of sanctification
We believe God continues to work in the lives of believers after conversion, from the inside out, making us holy.
Article 11: of perseverance of the saints
We believe that God will not let His people fall fully and finally from faith.
Article 12: of the harmony of the law and the gospel
We believe that God uses the law and the gospel together to bring sinners to salvation, and believers to greater obedience.
Article 13: of a gospel church
We believe God instituted local churches to be communities of faith for individuals and families where our individual gifts are to be used to bless and minister to others.
Article 14: of baptism and the lord's supper
We believe there are 2 ordinances instituted by Jesus that baptism of believers is required for participation in the Lord's Supper in the local church.
Article 15: of the christian sabbath
We believe with the early church that Sunday is the Lord's Day.
Article 16: of civil government
We believe God instituted civil governments, and that we are responsible to them as believers.
Article 17: of the righteous and the wicked
We believe there is a real distinction made by God between believers and unbelievers.
Article 18: of the world to come
We believe there is a day appointed by God to be the day of eternal judgement and reward.
Article 19: of marriage, gender, and sexuality
We believe God created male and female equally in merit, but with some specific distinctions, especially in the family and the church.
article 20: of our final authority of faith and practice
We believe that confessions like this are helpful, but are not equal with the Bible, or exhaustive in scope.